Trump’s China Trip Matters as U.S. IP Exports Hits Lowest Since 2010 — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Trump’s China Trip Matters as U.S. IP Exports Hits Lowest Since 2010

Tariffs 1807 Trade Balance 933 U.S. 5332

The U.S. trade deficit climbed 13% on a year earlier to $43.5 billion in September, modestly ahead of economists’ expectations. That was the fastest rise since April, and was driven once again by a rise in imported goods. They expanded for an 11th straight month as a result of a surge in capital goods imports. Imports of services also grew more quickly than exports for a second month, including a 10% rise in maintenance services that may be hurricane related. The only services exports line to shrink related to intellectual property, which fell for a 10th straight month to the lowest sinc...

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