Trump Trade Strategy Embodied in a $90 Washing Machine Tariff — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Trump Trade Strategy Embodied in a $90 Washing Machine Tariff

Industrials - Capital Goods 590 Tariffs 1807 U.S. 5332

The U.S. ITC has recommended a tariff of 50% on all large residential washing machine imports over 1.2 million units in its section 201 “safeguarding review”. A final decision has to be taken by Presidential Trump, allowing him to take concrete action on trade policy. A parallel section 201 recommendation on solar panels has yet to be acted upon though. Panjiva data shows imports in the past 12 months that could be eligible for quotas reached 6.7 million units, with an average import value of $179 per machine. The duty could therefore be $90 per machine, or 11% of average list prices. Ex...

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