Deficit Surge Raises Need For Urgency In Trump Trade Policy Action — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Deficit Surge Raises Need For Urgency In Trump Trade Policy Action

Canada 500 China 2985 Mexico 892 Tariffs 1807 Trade Balance 933 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5332 USMCA 456

The U.S. final trade deficit climbed 13% on a year earlier in October, marking the eighth straight rise and coming in 3% above expectations. A rise in the goods deficit accounted for the expansion. The services component was unchanged after an improvement in export growth to 4%. That in turn was the result of a 12% surge in business services exports, the fastest rate of growth since March 2012. It’s the goods deficit that is the focus of Trump administration trade policy though. The deficit with China climbed 13% for the month, bringing the 12 month trailing total to $367 billion. That w...

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