Seeds of Trump’s Tax Reform to Bear Fruit of Rising Deficit as Import Sentiment Soars — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Seeds of Trump’s Tax Reform to Bear Fruit of Rising Deficit as Import Sentiment Soars

Business Sentiment 210 U.S. 5332

Surging trade activity in the U.S. looks set to continue after the latest ISM survey showed businesses expecting a more rapid expansion in orders. Export expectations reached a net positive 8.5%, up from 6% a month earlier. That matches the improving sentiment seen in China and France, while almost all regions continue to see sentiment and multi-year highs. Yet, the import sentiment index in the U.S. expanded even more rapidly, with a net 7.5% of managers expecting to increase imports. That’s the highest reading since April 2014, and would suggest a large part of the recently announced t...

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