China Trade Boom Leaves Record U.S. Surplus That Cars and Oil Could Cut — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

China Trade Boom Leaves Record U.S. Surplus That Cars and Oil Could Cut

China 2985 Cons. Discr. - Autos 1193 Energy - Conventional 449 Trade Balance 933 U.S. 5332

China’s trade boom continued in February with a 17% rise in exports and imports combined on a year earlier. Adjusting for the lunar new year, taking January and February together, export growth accelerated to 18% on a year earlier. That’s better than indicated by recent manager surveys, but may be because expected U.S. protectionist actions have yet to take effect. In any event imports were worse than forecast, boding ill for suppliers to China. The surplus vs. the U.S. rose 34% in the first two months of the year, with the 12 month total reaching a record $289 billion. President Trump h...

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