Trump’s Metals Duties Have Small Impact, Big Complications — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Trump’s Metals Duties Have Small Impact, Big Complications

China 2985 European Union 838 Japan 611 Materials - Metals/Mining 761 Metals - Aluminum 255 Metals - Steel 524 South Korea 588 Tariffs 1807 U.S. 5332

The section 232 national security tariffs applied to U.S. steel and aluminum imports by the administration of President Donald Trump may only have had a minor effect on the value of imports. Total imports of the metals covered fell by just 7.0% in the third quarter vs. the second quarter and by just 1.7% vs. the first quarter. They’ve also proven controversial in the context of attempts to sign the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) after Canadian exports fell 20.6% and Mexico’s by 9.5% in the third quarter sequentially. The duties may also hinder trade discussions with Japan and the E...

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