Supply Chain Edge: Tariffs made a comeback, flooding in Brazil — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Supply Chain Edge: Tariffs made a comeback, flooding in Brazil

Ags - Fruit/Veg 135 Brazil 400 Cambodia 24 Canada 500 China 2985 Cons. Discr. - Autos 1193 Cons. Discr. - Durables 524 Cons. Discr. - Retailing 477 Consumer Staples 767 Energy - Renewables 188 Indonesia 103 Info Tech - Tech Hardware 810 Malaysia 149 Mexico 892 Mode - Containerized 1481 Mode - Rail 117 Strikes 72 Tariffs 1807 Thailand 136 U.S. 5332 Vietnam 381

• New tariffs by the US administration of President Joe Biden look to shore up some of the gaps in the Section 301 and 201 implementations on China, targeting batteries, electric vehicles (EVs), solar panels, gantry cranes and more. Batteries are the most affected, with 71.5% of US imports from China. Stellantis NV is going to the source, in Indonesia, to get materials for its battery supply chain, while Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. wants to get back to just-in-time strategies.
• Solar duties are about to tighten, with exemptions for panels from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Cambodia fr...

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