Supply Chain Edge: Three speed semiconductors, auto tariffs bite, hurricane hazards hit — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Supply Chain Edge: Three speed semiconductors, auto tariffs bite, hurricane hazards hit

Argentina 58 Brexit 176 Canada 500 China 2985 Cons. Discr. - Apparel 505 Cons. Discr. - Autos 1193 Elections 123 European Union 838 Germany 249 India 522 Industrials - Capital Goods 590 Info Tech - Tech Hardware 810 Japan 611 Malaysia 149 Materials - Chemicals 245 Materials - Metals/Mining 761 Metals - Steel 524 Mexico 892 Mode - Containerized 1481 Russia 121 South Korea 588 Strikes 72 Taiwan 213 Thailand 136 Turkey 66 U.S. 5332 United Kingdom 375 Vietnam 381

– The semiconductor sector is seeing varied recovery rates, with AI applications and Nvidia driving growth, but supply chain challenges persist with sector revenue growth expected to fall to 24% in Q1 2024 from 44% in the same period the prior year. Consumer devices have mixed prospects, with pent up demand driving smartphone growth and AI pushing a new PC upgrade cycle, while industrial and automotive chip demand lags due to high interest rates and geopolitical uncertainties.
– China is likely respond to EU tariffs on electric vehicles by targeting EU food exports and possibly oth...

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