Trump’s Unsung Asia Success – A Deal with Duterte — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Trump’s Unsung Asia Success – A Deal with Duterte

Cons. Discr. - Apparel 505 Consumer Staples 767 Philippines 57 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5332

One little-noticed element of President Trump’s recent Asia visit was an apparent agreement with President Duterte to structure a free trade agreement between the U.S. and the Philippines. A deal could be important for the Trump administration as bilateral deals are a key tenet of its trade philosophy, but there have so far been few takers. For the Philippines the government may want to ensure continued export growth, particularly in apparel and agriculture. Panjiva data shows apparel represents 10% of the top 200 Philippine exports to the U.S., and agriculture 13%. That lags behind semi...

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