Trump’s Tariffs Trim, Don’t Yet Transform, Imports of Section 232 Metals — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Trump’s Tariffs Trim, Don’t Yet Transform, Imports of Section 232 Metals

Belgium 19 European Union 838 France 156 Italy 63 Materials - Metals/Mining 761 Metals - Aluminum 255 Metals - Steel 524 Tariffs 1807 U.S. 5332

America’s section 232 duties on steel and aluminum, introduced by the Trump administration at the end of March and extended at the start of June, have so far trimmed rather than transformed U.S. metals imports. The volume of imports fell 16% in May vs. March levels while seaborne shipments in June were 21% below March’s. The acceleration was due to exemptions being withdrawn from suppliers in the EU, Canada and Mexico. While the mass of imports fell in the second quarter (by 13%) a rise in costs may have led the value of imports to actually increase by 4%. Seaborne shipments from the EU ...

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