Supply Chain Edge: Stormy 2024, Red Sea security, tariff reviews ahead — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Supply Chain Edge: Stormy 2024, Red Sea security, tariff reviews ahead

China 2985 Cons. Discr. - Apparel 505 Cons. Discr. - Autos 1193 Cons. Discr. - Durables 524 Cons. Discr. - Retailing 477 Corp - Ports 887 Corp - Shipping 986 Earnings 735 Energy - Conventional 449 European Union 838 Industrials - Capital Goods 590 Info Tech - Comms Equip 232 Info Tech - Tech Hardware 810 Israel 21 Malaysia 149 Materials - Chemicals 245 Materials - Metals/Mining 761 Metals - Aluminum 255 Metals - Steel 524 Mexico 892 Mode - Containerized 1481 Mode - Seaborne 1811 Russia 121 Sanctions 164 Taiwan 213 Tariffs 1807 Theme - Alliances 97 Theme - Canals 136 U.S. 5332 United Kingdom 375

• In new research this week, we look ahead to the prospects for supply chains in 2024. Physical operations are the biggest challenge in the first part of the year, while politics will inject a new round of uncertainty into supply chain planning later in 2024. Investments in resilience appear limited to reshoring, rather than inventory increases or diversification.
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